Seminars |
12-09-2014 TU-Delft, The Netherlands Delft Haptics: screw theory for more with lessAbstract Haptic telemanipulation systems allow operators to perform a manual task over a distance, such as in minimal invasive surgery or the maintenance of nuclear plants. In such systems, feedback from the environment to the operator is artificially recreated, where a haptic master device provides force and position feedback. Task performance increases if the operator receives natural feedback over its full sensory range. To maximize the natural feedback bandwidth, high-end haptic master devices are equipped with high-quality bearings, force sensors and powerful motors, which drive up the costs significantly. The high costs limit the wide spread use of haptic interfaces. In the Delft Haptics Lab, we attempt to make haptic master devices more cost-effective, using an approach that is twofold. Firstly, we attempt to maximize the use of the human haptic sensory system through haptic augmentation, which we have termed Haptic Shared Control. Secondly, we aim to develop design principles that enable more effective design of parallel haptic master devices. For that, we use screw theory to set up computation-effective analyses, relating choices made on the component level to the resulting mechatronic bandwidth of the master device. This twofold approach will allow more focused trade-offs between high-level requirements and low-level design, thereby enabling more cost-effective systems.
Note: The seminar will be presented at 1:30 p.m. in room PLT-1120.
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