Title |
[161] |
Denis Dion Jr, Antoine Escobar, Jacques Tremblay and Denis Laurendeau, "Development of educational tools: a web-oriented approach", in 1997 Frontiers in Education Conf. - Teaching and Learning in an Era of Change, (Pittsburgh, PA, USA), Nov. 5-8 1997. |
[162] |
Denis Dion Jr, Denis Laurendeau and Robert Bergevin, "Telerobotic Scene Description using Generalized Cylinders", in Proceedings of CIPPRS Vision Interface ’97, (Kelowna, British Columbia), pp. 81-89, May 19-23 1997. |
[163] |
Denis Laurendeau, Robert Wolfe, Marielle Mokhtari and L. Guimond, "A Range Image Processing Approach for Orthodontic Diagnosis", in Proc. VI-97, (Kelowna, BC), May 19-23 1997. |
[164] |
Frédéric Loranger and Denis Laurendeau, "TRID, a fast and accurate range sensor", in Int. Conf. on Advances in 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, (Ottawa, Ont.), pp. 51-58, May 12-15 1997. |
[165] |
Denis Dion Jr, Denis Laurendeau and Robert Bergevin, "Generalyzed Cylinders Extraction in a Range Image", in Int. Conf. on Advances in 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, (Ottawa, Ont.), pp. 141-147, May 12-15 1997. |
[166] |
Antoine Escobar, Denis Laurendeau, Jean Côté and Patrick Hébert, "Tracking and Grasping Moving Objects from Range Data", in ISATA Conference, (Florence Italy), pp. 77-84, June 1997. |
[167] |
Robert Wolfe and Denis Laurendeau, "Modelling Interreflections in a System Based on the Differential Absorption of Light for the Measurement of Range Images", in Int. Conf on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI97), (Poultney, Vermont), pp. 507-512, June 9-13 1997. |
[168] |
Pierre Payeur, Patrick Hébert, Denis Laurendeau and Clément Gosselin, "Probabilistic Octree Modeling of a 3-D Dynamic Environment", in Proc. IEEE ICRA 97, (Albuquerque, NM), pp. 1289-1296, Apr. 20-25 1997. |
[169] |
Daniel Germain, Denis Laurendeau and Guy Vézina, "Visibility analysis on a massively data-parallel computer", Concurrency: Practice and Experience, vol. 8, no 6, pp. 475-487, July-August 1996. |
[170] |
Denis Dion Jr, Denis Laurendeau and Robert Bergevin, "Extraction de cylindres généralisés à partir d'images télémétriques", in Proc. 6e Conf. annuelle IRIS-PRECARN, (Montréal, QC), June 4-6 1996. |