Title |
[211] |
Patrick Hébert, Denis Laurendeau and Denis Poussart, "Scene Reconstruction and Description: Geometric Primitive Extraction from Multiple View Scattered Data", in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, (New York, New York, USA), pp. 286-293, Jun. 1993. |
[212] |
Sonia Verreault, Denis Laurendeau and Robert Bergevin, "Pose determination for an object in a 3-D image using geometric hashing and the interpretation tree", in Conférence canadienne de génie électrique et informatique, (Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique), pp. 755-758, septembre 1993. |
[213] |
Marc Tremblay, Denis Laurendeau and Denis Poussart, "High Resolution Smart Image Sensor with Integrated Parallel Analog Processing for Multiresolution Edge Extraction", Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 11, pp. 231-242, 1993. |
[214] |
Éric Saint-Pierre and Denis Laurendeau, "Recognition of telephone wires using color computer vision", in Proc. of the Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, (Toronto, ON), September 1992. |
[215] |
Marc Soucy and Denis Laurendeau, "Surface modeling from dynamic integration of multiple range views", in Proc. 11th IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, (The Hague, The Netherlands), pp. 449-452, August 30 - September 3 1992. |
[216] |
Marc Soucy and Denis Laurendeau, "Multi-resolution surface modeling from multiple range view", in Proc. CVPR'92, (Champaign, IL), pp. 348-353, June 15-18 1992. |
[217] |
Marc Soucy and Denis Laurendeau, "A multi-resolution surface model for compact surface representation of range images", in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, (Nice, France), pp. 1701-1706, May 10-15 1992. |
[218] |
Florent Parent, Marc Tremblay, Denis Laurendeau and Denis Poussart, "A VLSI implementation of a light sensor with embedded focal plane processing capabilities", in Proc. of Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS `92), (Raleigh, NC), pp. 367-372, July 7-10 1992. |
[219] |
Richard Lepage, Denis Laurendeau and Richard Gagnon, "Extraction of texture features with a multi-resolution neural network", in Proc. SPIE, Symp. on Intelligent Information Systems: Applications of Artificial Neural Networks III, (Orlando, FL), April 20-24 1992. |
[220] |
Denis Laurendeau, Régis Houde, M. Samson and Denis Poussart, "3-D range acquisition through differential light absorption", IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurements, vol. 41, no 5, pp. 622-628, October 1992. |