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Dr. Jean-Marc Schwartz
Division of Evolution & Genomic Sciences
The University of Manchester

Computational systems and network-based approaches for the investigation of human diseases


Systems and network-based approaches are increasingly used to study dysregulated molecular components in diseases. By modelling the relations between genes/proteins in an integrative manner, we can gain better understanding of the processes involved in disorders and infer their regulators, paving the way for the development of new treatments. In this seminar, we will describe different approaches enabling us to model disease systems. First, we will present Boolean and kinetic models of the action of Herceptin, a drug that is widely used to treat breast cancer but whose effectiveness is hampered by the development of resistance in tumour cells. Next, we will present an integration of network analysis with gene expression (RNA-sequencing) data applied to the study of skeletal diseases, and show how this integration helps to discover new pathways and regulators involved in these disorders.

Une biographie du Dr. Schwartz est disponible sur le site internet suivant : https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/jean-marc.schwartz.html

Le séminaire sera présenté à 11h00 au local PLT-3370.


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