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18-06-2021 Laboratoire de Vision et Systèmes Numériques Dép. de génie électrique et de génie informatique, Université Laval Webinaire CeRVIM : Multiple Cylinders Extraction from Organized Point CloudsRésumé Most man-made objects are composed of a few geometric primitives (GPs) such as spheres, cylinders, planes, ellipsoids, or cones. Thus, the object recognition problem can be considered as a geometric primitives extraction. Among the different geometric primitives, cylinders are the most frequently used GPs in real-world scenes. Therefore, cylinder detection and extraction are of great importance in 3D computer vision. Despite the rapid progress of cylinder detection algorithms, there are still two open problems in this area. First, a robust strategy is needed for the initial sample selection component of the cylinder extraction module. Second, detecting multiple cylinders simultaneously has not yet been investigated in depth. In this presentation, a robust solution is provided to address these problems. La présentation sera donnée en anglais et les diapos seront en anglais.
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