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[721] Abdel Hakim Bendada, Jean-Christophe Batsale, A. Degiovanni and D. Maillet,
"Estimation de la répartition spatiale d'une résistance thermique d'interface à partir de la mesure de température de surface",
in Annual Meeting of Société Française des Thermiciens, (Paris, France), January 12 1994.
[722] Abdel Hakim Bendada, Jean-Christophe Batsale, A. Degiovanni and D. Maillet,
"Interface resistances: the inverse problem for the transient thermal technique",
in Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics (the selected conference article was published in this book)(H.D. Bui & M. Tanaka ed.), (Rotterdam, Netherlands), pp. 347-354, A.A. Balkema, 1994.
[723] Abdel Hakim Bendada, Jean-Christophe Batsale, A. Degiovanni and D. Maillet,
"Interface resistances: the inverse problem for the transient thermal technique",
in Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics (the selected conference article was published in this book)(H.D. Bui & M. Tanaka ed.), (Rotterdam, Netherlands), pp. 347-354, A.A. Balkema, 1994.
[724] Abdel Hakim Bendada, Jean-Christophe Batsale, A. Degiovanni and D. Maillet,
"Interface resistances: the inverse problem for the transient thermal technique",
in Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics (the selected conference article was published in this book)(H.D. Bui & M. Tanaka ed.), (Rotterdam, Netherlands), pp. 347-354, A.A. Balkema, 1994.
[725] Abdel Hakim Bendada, Jean-Christophe Batsale, A. Degiovanni and D. Maillet,
"Interface resistances: the inverse problem for the transient thermal technique",
in Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics (the selected conference article was published in this book)(H.D. Bui & M. Tanaka ed.), (Rotterdam, Netherlands), pp. 347-354, A.A. Balkema, 1994.
[726] Abdel Hakim Bendada, Jean-Christophe Batsale, A. Degiovanni and D. Maillet,
"Interface resistances: the inverse problem for the transient thermal technique",
in Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics (the selected conference article was published in this book)(H.D. Bui & M. Tanaka ed.), (Rotterdam, Netherlands), pp. 347-354, A.A. Balkema, 1994.
[727] Xavier Maldague, V. Shiryaev, Éric Boisvert and V. Vavilov,
"Transient thermal NDT of defects in aluminum panels",
in SPIE Thermosense XVII(S. A. Semanovich ed.), (Orlando, FL), pp. 233-243, April 19-21 1995.
[728] Xavier Maldague, V. Shiryaev, Éric Boisvert and V. Vavilov,
"Transient thermal NDT of defects in aluminum panels",
in SPIE Thermosense XVII(S. A. Semanovich ed.), (Orlando, FL), pp. 233-243, April 19-21 1995.
[729] Xavier Maldague, V. Shiryaev, Éric Boisvert and V. Vavilov,
"Transient thermal NDT of defects in aluminum panels",
in SPIE Thermosense XVII(S. A. Semanovich ed.), (Orlando, FL), pp. 233-243, April 19-21 1995.
[730] Xavier Maldague, V. Shiryaev, Éric Boisvert and V. Vavilov,
"Transient thermal NDT of defects in aluminum panels",
in SPIE Thermosense XVII(S. A. Semanovich ed.), (Orlando, FL), pp. 233-243, April 19-21 1995.

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