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[1351] Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo, Abdel Hakim Bendada, Xavier Maldague, Dario Ambrosini, Domenica Paoletti and Stefano Sfarra,
"Holographic interferometry and pulsed thermography: A new dimension in panel paintings diagnostics",
NDT&E International, vol. submitted, June 2009.
[1352] Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo, Abdel Hakim Bendada, Xavier Maldague, Dario Ambrosini, Domenica Paoletti and Stefano Sfarra,
"Holographic interferometry and pulsed thermography: A new dimension in panel paintings diagnostics",
NDT&E International, vol. submitted, June 2009.
[1353] Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo, Abdel Hakim Bendada, Xavier Maldague, Dario Ambrosini, Domenica Paoletti and Stefano Sfarra,
"Holographic interferometry and pulsed thermography: A new dimension in panel paintings diagnostics",
NDT&E International, vol. submitted, June 2009.
[1354] Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo, Abdel Hakim Bendada, Xavier Maldague, Dario Ambrosini, Domenica Paoletti and Stefano Sfarra,
"Holographic interferometry and pulsed thermography: A new dimension in panel paintings diagnostics",
NDT&E International, vol. submitted, June 2009.
[1355] Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo, Abdel Hakim Bendada, Xavier Maldague, Dario Ambrosini, Domenica Paoletti and Stefano Sfarra,
"Holographic interferometry and pulsed thermography: A new dimension in panel paintings diagnostics",
NDT&E International, vol. submitted, June 2009.
[1356] Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo, Abdel Hakim Bendada, Xavier Maldague, Dario Ambrosini, Domenica Paoletti and Stefano Sfarra,
"Holographic interferometry and pulsed thermography: A new dimension in panel paintings diagnostics",
NDT&E International, vol. submitted, June 2009.
[1357] Hernan Dario Benitez, Humberto Loaiza, Eduardo Caicedo, Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo, Abdel Hakim Bendada and Xavier Maldague,
"Defect characterization in infrared nondestructive testing with learining machines",
NDT&E International, pp. 630-643, 2009.
[1358] Hernan Dario Benitez, Humberto Loaiza, Eduardo Caicedo, Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo, Abdel Hakim Bendada and Xavier Maldague,
"Defect characterization in infrared nondestructive testing with learining machines",
NDT&E International, pp. 630-643, 2009.
[1359] Hernan Dario Benitez, Humberto Loaiza, Eduardo Caicedo, Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo, Abdel Hakim Bendada and Xavier Maldague,
"Defect characterization in infrared nondestructive testing with learining machines",
NDT&E International, pp. 630-643, 2009.
[1360] Hernan Dario Benitez, Humberto Loaiza, Eduardo Caicedo, Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo, Abdel Hakim Bendada and Xavier Maldague,
"Defect characterization in infrared nondestructive testing with learining machines",
NDT&E International, pp. 630-643, 2009.

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