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[201] François Galmiche, Steve Vallerand and Xavier Maldague,
"Pulsed Phase Thermography with the Wavelet Transform",
in Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE(D.O. Thompson and D.E. Chimenti ed.), ((Montréal 1999)), pp. 609-615, Am. Institute of Physics, 2000.
[202] François Galmiche, Steve Vallerand and Xavier Maldague,
"Wavelet Transform Applied to Pulsed Phased Thermography",
in V Workshop on Advances in Infrared Technology and Applications (5th AITA), keynote lecture(E. Grinzato, P.G. Bison, A. Mazzoldi ed.), pp. 117-122, CNR, 2000.
[203] F. Lemy, J. Hadjigeorgiou, Patrick Côté and Xavier Maldague,
"Geomechanical Core Logging Using Image Analysis Techniques",
in EuroRock 2000, 2000.
[204] J. Hadjigeorgiou, F. Lemy, Patrick Côté and Xavier Maldague,
"Development of a methodology for the automatic construction of discontinuity trace maps based on digital images",
in EuroRock 2000, 2000.
[205] D. Almond, J. C. Krapez, François Galmiche and Xavier Maldague,
"Round Robin Comparison II of the capabilities of various thermographic techniques in the detection of defects in carbon fibre composites",
in QIRT 2000 (Quantitative Infrared Thermography), Eurotherm Seminar 64(D. Balageas, G. Busse, C. Carlomagno ed.), pp. 224-229, 2000.
[206] Akbar Darabi and Xavier Maldague,
"Defect Depth Estimation Using Neuro-Fuzzy System in TNDE",
in QIRT 2000 (Quantitative Infrared Thermography), Eurotherm Seminar 64(D. Balageas, G. Busse, C. Carlomagno ed.), pp. 156-161, 2000.
[207] François Galmiche and Xavier Maldague,
"Depth defect retrieval using the wavelet pulsed phased thermography",
in QIRT 2000 (Quantitative Infrared Thermography), Eurotherm Seminar 64(D. Balageas, G. Busse, C. Carlomagno ed.), pp. 194-199, 2000.
[208] Xavier Maldague,
"Infrared Thermography For Nondestructive Testing",
in 3rd CanSmart, (Saint-Hubert, Quebec), pp. 37-47, Sept. 28-29 2000.
[209] François Galmiche and Xavier Maldague,
"Depth defect retrieval using the wavelet pulsed phased thermography",
in ASNT Fall conference, 2000.
[210] Xavier Maldague,
"Applications of Infrared Thermography in NonDestructive Evaluation",
in Trends in Optical Nondestructive Testing (invited chapter)(Pramod Rastogi ed.), pp. 591-609, Elsevier, 2000.

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