Titre |
[191] |
Clément Gosselin, Jean-François Hamel, Denis Laurendeau and Éric Saint-Pierre, "A high-performance mechanism for a high-speed camera-orienting device", in Proc. 27th ISATA Dedicated Conference on Robotics, Motion and Machine Vision, (Aachen, Germany), pp. 183-190, Oct. 31 - Nov. 4 1994. |
[192] |
Patrick Hébert, Denis Laurendeau and Denis Poussart, "Surface Profile Description: Reliable Geometric Primitive Extraction", in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (12th IAPR), (Jérusalem, Israel), pp. 258-263, Oct. 1994. |
[193] |
Patrick Hébert and Denis Laurendeau, "Three conditions for reliable surface recovery: robustness, viewpoint invariance and stability", in Proceedings of the IS&T Conference on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XIII: 3D Vision, Product Inspection, and Active Vision, (Boston, Massachusett), pp. 398-410, The International Society for Optical Engineering, Nov. 1994. |
[194] |
Jean-Luc Arseneault, Robert Bergevin and Denis Laurendeau, "Extraction of 2D groupings for 3D Object Recognition", in Proceedings of SPIE Visual Information Processing III, (Orlando, FL), pp. 27-38, April 4-8 1994. |
[195] |
Jean-Luc Arseneault, Robert Bergevin and Denis Laurendeau, "Grouping of straight line segments and circular arcs for scene analysis", in Proceedings of Vision Interface ’94, (Banff, Alberta), pp. 137-144, May 16-20 1994. |
[196] |
Hervé Gagnon, Marc Soucy, Robert Bergevin and Denis Laurendeau, "Registration of multiple range views for automatic 3D model building", in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, (Seattle, WA), pp. 581-586, June 20-23 1994. |
[197] |
Patrick Hébert, Denis Laurendeau and Robert Bergevin, "From 3-D Scattered Data to Geometric Signal Description: Invariant Stable Recovery of Straight Line Segments", Int. J. of Pattern Recognition and Art. Intel., vol. 8, no 6, pp. 1319-1342, Dec. 1994. |
[198] |
Xavier Maldague, Emmanuel Barker, A. Nouah, Éric Boisvert, B. Dufort, L. Fortin and Denis Laurendeau, "On Methods for Shape Correction and Reconstruction in Themographic NDE", in Advanced Infrared Technology and Applications Workshop(L.R. Abbozzo, G.M. Carlomagno C. Corsi ed.), (Capri, Italie), pp. 91-98, Atti della Fondazione G. Ronchi, Firenze, Sept. 20-21 1993. |
[199] |
Patrick Hébert, Denis Laurendeau and Denis Poussart, "From 3-D scattered data to geometric signal description: Invariant stable recovery of straight line segments", in Proc SPIE Applications of AI, (Orlando, FL), June 1993. |
[200] |
Marc Tremblay, Denis Laurendeau and Denis Poussart, "Multi module focal plane processing sensor with parallel analog support for computer vision", in Proc. of Symposium on Integrated Systems, (Seattle, WA), March 1993. |