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[1141] Normand Teasdale, P.-L. Gamache, Martin Lavallière, Mathieu Tremblay, Denis Laurendeau and Martin Simoneau,
"Using a Driving Simulator to Restore Driving Abilities in a Traumatic Brain Injury Patient",
in STISIM User Group Workshop, (St-Petersburg, Florida), Oct. 4-5 2010.
[1142] Normand Teasdale, P.-L. Gamache, Martin Lavallière, Mathieu Tremblay, Denis Laurendeau and Martin Simoneau,
"Using a Driving Simulator to Restore Driving Abilities in a Traumatic Brain Injury Patient",
in STISIM User Group Workshop, (St-Petersburg, Florida), Oct. 4-5 2010.
[1143] Normand Teasdale, P.-L. Gamache, Martin Lavallière, Mathieu Tremblay, Denis Laurendeau and Martin Simoneau,
"Using a Driving Simulator to Restore Driving Abilities in a Traumatic Brain Injury Patient",
in STISIM User Group Workshop, (St-Petersburg, Florida), Oct. 4-5 2010.
[1144] Normand Teasdale, Martin Lavallière, Mathieu Tremblay, Martin Simoneau, Thierry Moszkowicz and Denis Laurendeau,
"Older Driver On- Road and In-Simulator Responses at Stop-Controlled Intersections",
in STISIM User Group Workshop, (St-Petersburg, Florida), Oct. 4-5 2010.
[1145] Normand Teasdale, Martin Lavallière, Mathieu Tremblay, Martin Simoneau, Thierry Moszkowicz and Denis Laurendeau,
"Older Driver On- Road and In-Simulator Responses at Stop-Controlled Intersections",
in STISIM User Group Workshop, (St-Petersburg, Florida), Oct. 4-5 2010.
[1146] Normand Teasdale, Martin Lavallière, Mathieu Tremblay, Martin Simoneau, Thierry Moszkowicz and Denis Laurendeau,
"Older Driver On- Road and In-Simulator Responses at Stop-Controlled Intersections",
in STISIM User Group Workshop, (St-Petersburg, Florida), Oct. 4-5 2010.
[1147] Normand Teasdale, Martin Lavallière, Mathieu Tremblay, Martin Simoneau, Thierry Moszkowicz and Denis Laurendeau,
"Older Driver On- Road and In-Simulator Responses at Stop-Controlled Intersections",
in STISIM User Group Workshop, (St-Petersburg, Florida), Oct. 4-5 2010.
[1148] Normand Teasdale, Martin Lavallière, Mathieu Tremblay, Martin Simoneau, Thierry Moszkowicz and Denis Laurendeau,
"Older Driver On- Road and In-Simulator Responses at Stop-Controlled Intersections",
in STISIM User Group Workshop, (St-Petersburg, Florida), Oct. 4-5 2010.
[1149] Normand Teasdale, Martin Lavallière, Mathieu Tremblay, Martin Simoneau, Thierry Moszkowicz and Denis Laurendeau,
"Older Driver On- Road and In-Simulator Responses at Stop-Controlled Intersections",
in STISIM User Group Workshop, (St-Petersburg, Florida), Oct. 4-5 2010.
[1150] Philippe Cardou, Denis Laurendeau, Luc Beaulieu, Luc Bélanger and Alexandre Carette,
"The Dimensional Synthesis of the Parallel Delta Robot for a Force-Feedback Device",
in ASME 2010 Int. Design Eng. Tech. Conf, (Montreal, Canada), August 15-18 2010.

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