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[1151] Philippe Cardou, Denis Laurendeau, Luc Beaulieu, Luc Bélanger and Alexandre Carette,
"The Dimensional Synthesis of the Parallel Delta Robot for a Force-Feedback Device",
in ASME 2010 Int. Design Eng. Tech. Conf, (Montreal, Canada), August 15-18 2010.
[1152] Philippe Cardou, Denis Laurendeau, Luc Beaulieu, Luc Bélanger and Alexandre Carette,
"The Dimensional Synthesis of the Parallel Delta Robot for a Force-Feedback Device",
in ASME 2010 Int. Design Eng. Tech. Conf, (Montreal, Canada), August 15-18 2010.
[1153] Philippe Cardou, Denis Laurendeau, Luc Beaulieu, Luc Bélanger and Alexandre Carette,
"The Dimensional Synthesis of the Parallel Delta Robot for a Force-Feedback Device",
in ASME 2010 Int. Design Eng. Tech. Conf, (Montreal, Canada), August 15-18 2010.
[1154] Philippe Cardou, Denis Laurendeau, Luc Beaulieu, Luc Bélanger and Alexandre Carette,
"The Dimensional Synthesis of the Parallel Delta Robot for a Force-Feedback Device",
in ASME 2010 Int. Design Eng. Tech. Conf, (Montreal, Canada), August 15-18 2010.
[1155] Samy Metari, Thierry Moszkowicz, Denis Laurendeau, Normand Teasdale and Steven Beauchemin,
"A computer vision system for analyzing and interpreting the cephalo-ocular behavior of drivers in a simulated driving context",
in CRV 2010, (Ottawa, Canada), May 30 - June 2 2010.
[1156] Samy Metari, Thierry Moszkowicz, Denis Laurendeau, Normand Teasdale and Steven Beauchemin,
"A computer vision system for analyzing and interpreting the cephalo-ocular behavior of drivers in a simulated driving context",
in CRV 2010, (Ottawa, Canada), May 30 - June 2 2010.
[1157] Samy Metari, Thierry Moszkowicz, Denis Laurendeau, Normand Teasdale and Steven Beauchemin,
"A computer vision system for analyzing and interpreting the cephalo-ocular behavior of drivers in a simulated driving context",
in CRV 2010, (Ottawa, Canada), May 30 - June 2 2010.
[1158] Samy Metari, Thierry Moszkowicz, Denis Laurendeau, Normand Teasdale and Steven Beauchemin,
"A computer vision system for analyzing and interpreting the cephalo-ocular behavior of drivers in a simulated driving context",
in CRV 2010, (Ottawa, Canada), May 30 - June 2 2010.
[1159] Samy Metari, Thierry Moszkowicz, Denis Laurendeau, Normand Teasdale and Steven Beauchemin,
"A computer vision system for analyzing and interpreting the cephalo-ocular behavior of drivers in a simulated driving context",
in CRV 2010, (Ottawa, Canada), May 30 - June 2 2010.
[1160] François Bernier, Denis Laurendeau, François Rioux and François-Michel De Rainville,
"Multichronia - Interactive Simulation to Increase Complex System Understanding",
in 2010 NATO Mod. and Sim. Group Workshop, (Ottawa, Canada), February 2010.

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